Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Pancake Day Friends!

So, the obvious choice for the post today was to delight you all with our brilliant and amazing pancake skills...the dream was to 'enlighten' you with tips for pancakes throughout the day... breakfast pancakes, maybe brunch pancakes (if we're pushing it...),lunchtime pancakes, with a finale of dinner time pancakes. (maybe with dessert pancakes added on for good measure).

We felt this would have adequately summarised our love (and Sophie's obsession) with this glorious batter topped with delightful and scrummy treats! Maybe couldn't even sleep because I was so excited for Pancake Day!

Alas, (fabulous word) TO NO AVAIL!

I can pretty much conclude that this was a disaster. Not even really sure why!

I think our problem started when we attempted the french style 'crepe'. 

Now, this is not normally the type of pancake that I (Soph) would celebrate over. Not that I would refuse one, I'd happily gobble one right up...
But the American style pancake is where my heart is at.

So for some unknown reason, we decided to go with the thin ones....

(we have chosen specifically NOT to include the recipe because they were a DISASTER. We are ashamed and urge you.... do not try these at home ;)

maybe where we went wrong was choosing a recipe that included water.
strange choice...

However a fab idea and something that managed to save them enough to be edible was the addition of cinnamon to the batter. Nice one.

We did in fact munch away on them...fairly happily, after adding a lot of lemon (and Sophie did actually even add a sprinkling of sugar...sshhh! it was necessary)

Enough to not actually want to make them for brunch, or lunch...
Although we may do an alternative 'Toad in the Hole' for dinner...yum!

I think next time we'll stick with American style, with maple syrup and crispy bacon.... mmmm....

How did your pancakes turn out???

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